Revision [1918]

Last edited on 2014-06-13 02:18:51 by DavidLee
[[CommandTie tie]]

Revision [1348]

Edited on 2010-04-23 07:01:50 by DavidLee
===Using with tie===
xproperties output can be easily referenced using the [[CommandTie tie]] command
Input file a text formated properties file
This command
PROPS=$<(xproperties -in
tie PROPS './/entry[@key = $_ ]/string()'
echo ${PROPS:login}

Revision [1273]

Edited on 2010-02-25 08:08:15 by DavidLee
||-text ||Output properties in text form to stdout||
||-a,-add var=value||Add (or replace) a variable (name "var", value "value") to the properties||
||-text ||Output properties in text form to stdout (default)||
||-a,-add var=value||Add a variable (name "var", value "value") to the properties||

Revision [1272]

Edited on 2010-02-25 08:07:54 by DavidLee
||-text ||Output properties in text form to stdout (default)||
||-text ||Output properties in text form to stdout||

Revision [1233]

Edited on 2010-02-15 10:23:32 by DavidLee
||-inxml file||Load a Properties file in xml form||
||-text ||Output properties in text form to stdout||
||-xml||Output properties in xml form to stdout||
||-d,-delete var||Delete a variable from the properties||
||-a,-add var=value||Add a variable (name "var", value "value") to the properties||
||-comment||Append or update the comment||
||-v,-var var||print out the value of a variable (cannot be intermixed with -text or -xml) ||
||-inxml file ||Load a Properties file in xml form||
||-text ||Output properties in text form to stdout||
||-xml ||Output properties in xml form to stdout||
||-d var
-delete var ||Delete a variable from the properties||
||-a var=value
-add var=value ||Add a variable (name "var", value "value") to the properties||
||-comment ||Append or update the comment||
||-v var
-var var ||print out the value of a variable (cannot be intermixed with -text or -xml) ||

Revision [1054]

Edited on 2009-11-25 18:18:46 by DavidLee

Revision [948]

Edited on 2009-11-24 18:45:10 by DavidLee
xproperties [ [[SerializationOptions serialization options]] ] [options]
||-in file||Load a Properties file in text form||
||-inxml file ||Load a Properties file in xml form||
||-text ||Output properties in text form to stdout||
||-xml ||Output properties in xml form to stdout||
||-d var
-delete var ||Delete a variable from the properties||
||-a var=value
-add var=value ||Add a variable (name "var", value "value") to the properties||
||-comment ||Append or update the comment||
||-v var
-var var ||print out the value of a variable (cannot be intermixed with -text or -xml) ||
Supports the standard [ [[SerializationOptions serialization options]] ]
xproperties [options]
-in file - Load a Properties file in text form
-inxml file - Load a Properties file in xml form
-text - Output properties in text form to stdout
-xml - Output properties in xml form to stdout
-d var
-delete var - Delete a variable from the properties
-a var=value
-add var=value - Add a variable (name "var", value "value") to the properties
-comment - Append or update the comment
-v var
-var var - print out the value of a variable (cannot be intermixed with -text or -xml)

Revision [851]

Edited on 2009-11-14 09:46:37 by DavidLee
If a input file is specified as "-" then stdin is used.
If neither -v, -text or -xml is specified then -xml is presumed.

Revision [850]

Edited on 2009-11-14 09:45:46 by DavidLee

No Differences

Revision [849]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-11-14 09:45:29 by DavidLee
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