Revision [1404]

Last edited on 2010-05-13 10:09:02 by DavidLee
require can be trapped with [[ExceptionHandling try/catch ]] or with a conditional same as errors from [[CommandSet "throw on error" (-e)]].
require can be trapped with [[CommandTryCatch try/catch ]] or with a conditional same as errors from [[CommandSet "throw on error" (-e)]].

Revision [1151]

Edited on 2010-02-05 13:11:22 by DavidLee
On failure (if caught or not) prints to standard error "requires version: <require test>"
} catch e {
} catch {

Revision [1150]

Edited on 2010-02-05 13:09:45 by DavidLee
Example require version 1.0.2. If version is less then 1.0.2 then an exception is thrown (which will abort a script).
Example require version 1.0.2

Revision [1148]

Edited on 2010-02-05 12:59:38 by DavidLee
If the required version is greater then the current version then throws an exception equivalent to the [[CommandSet "throw on error" (-e)]] flag.
require can be trapped with [[CommandTryCatch try/catch ]] or with a conditional same as errors from [[CommandSet "throw on error" (-e)]].
If the required version is greater then the current version then throws an exception equivalent to the [[ExitOnError exit on error]] flag.
require can be trapped with [[CommandTryCatch try/catch ]] or with a conditional same as errors from [[ExitOnError exit on error]].

Revision [1147]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2010-02-05 12:56:57 by DavidLee
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