======eXist Command: list====== **//NOTE: list is an Experimental command which is subject to change//** Lists all resources on an eXist server ====Synopsis==== list [exist options] ====Description==== Lists all resources on an eXist server and outputs them as text one per line. ====Exist Options==== The list command accepts all [[ExistCommonOptions eXist Common Options]] ====Example==== Assuming the prefix "e" is imported as the exist module, delete the test.xml document %% e:list %% Result %% /db/test.xml /db/test/a.xml /db/test/run.xquery /db/test/b.xml /db/othello.xml /db/xi_doc1.xml /db/xi_sub1.xml /db/xml-base-chap.xml .... %% ====Implementation==== list is an experimental command is implemented using the [[ExistQuery query]] command. The source for the list command is %% :query -q 'for $d in collection() return document-uri($d)' %% See [[http://exist.sourceforge.net/devguide_rest.html]] ---- [[ModuleExist eXist Extension Module]]