======Command xuri====== =====Name===== **xuri** Constructs and disects URI's ====Synopsis==== xuri [options] uri xuri [options] base uri xuri [options] scheme ssp fragment xuri [options] scheme host path fragment xuri [options] scheme authority path query fragment xuri [options] scheme user host port path query fragment As a special case, in the 1 argument case if the uri has no scheme it is converted into a file URI. ====Options==== Supports the standard [ [[SerializationOptions serialization options]] ] ||-a,-authority||Outputs the authority|| ||-f,-fragment||Outputs the fragment|| ||-h,host||Outputs the host|| ||-p,-path||Outputs the path|| ||-P,-port||Outputs the Port|| ||-q,-query||Outputs the query|| ||-r,-resource||Outputs a Resource URI (file or jar uri)|| ||-s,-scheme||Outputs the scheme|| ||-Q||Query arg is already urlencoded|| ====Description==== Example: %%(shell) xuri http test.xmlsh.org /data/books.xml "" %% Result %% http://test.xmlsh.org/data/books.xml %% Example %% xuri -p http test.xmlsh.org /data/books.xml "" %% Result %% /data/books.xml %% ====Return Value==== Returns 0 if the command executed successfully, 1 if there was an error. ---- [[Commands]] [[CategoryCommands]]